Now that’s a box full of color! With beautiful hot pink roses, yellow gerberas, fuchsia carnations, and more, Artistic Embrace is bursting with vibrance. Add a touch of fun to your home or occasion with this wonderful bouquet!
Adoration and enchantment, with a dash of regal majesty - the lavender rose says it all. With tone-on-tone accent. Striking, yet softly feminine, floral bouquet for any occasion.
(Cube vase may be clear)
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Pure, long lasting enjoyment in a simple glass vase of carnations and mixed foliage. The perfect little treasure to show someone you care. Specify color preference in comments.
Enchantment buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in an elegant glass vase. it's a heartfelt gesture to remember through all seasons.
Awe and wonder. That's what's included in this magical bouquet.Brilliant hydrangea, roses,lilies gerberas, alstroemeria, mums and more fill a clear glass vase. Send wonder with your lovely wishes.
Vase will differ from photo due to supply chain disruptions
Make a stunning statement with this symphony of snowy white and passionate red. It's a dramatic choice for any occasion, full of luxurious blooms including hydrangea and oriental lilies. Add in red roses to upgrade flowers to deluxe or premium.