Edmonton ST. Albert and Sherwood Park Same Day Delivery. Local Florist. Affordable Fresh Flowers
Order within 4 hours 40 minutes for same-day delivery!

About Us


Florist | Event Florist

Petals on the Trail:

Your neighbourhood florist

Proudly serving the Edmonton and GEA, we're a full-service local florist that is family-owned and operated. Our staff is ready to assist you with placing orders for local delivery. Not sure what to send? We'll help you with creative suggestions! Same day delivery available! We stand behind our product. If you are not completely satisfied we will replace, refund or credit with in 24 hours of receiving our product

Make someone Smile - Best Seller

We hope you enjoy your online shopping experience with secure 24-hour ordering. If preferred, you may call us to place orders at (780) 482-7673.


 Beautiful Wedding Flowers & Bridal Bouquets

Order your custom, one-of-a-kind Wedding Flowers and Party Flowers from us. Call us in advance at (780) 482-7673 to set up a consultation.

Want to see some of our work?

 check out edmontonweddingflowers.ca


Wedding Wire

Wedding Flowers done by Petals on the Trail

Petals on the Trail LOGO

Call or visit us today… Your friendly neighbourhood Florists.